Saturday, 13 June 2015

End Weaponized Usury

 Today I was thinking about this whole Ebola situation and the plight of Third World Nations in general. Some suggest the Ebola is a way of culling the population of the world and getting rid of certain populations of regions that hold mineral resources that the elite wish to get their hands on. The thing is this is a more direct route at freeing up these regions if it is what has actually been going on for some time now. That being what appears to be weaponized usury by such organizations as The International Monetary Fund, aka IMF.

What might be a more plausible scenario is the use of strife to create needs to borrow money from such places as the IMF or International Monetary Fund. Although some folks think this is organization that seeks to help out developing nations it is not. The IMF loans money to countries and they have to pay it back. It is not an International Welfare system for countries by any sense of the word. The IMF makes money by a sophisticated system of usury that binds up countries and whole regions of the world in debt slavery to them. In fact a quick death by Ebola might be more humane than the extended descent into perpetual poverty that The IMF creates. It is time that we call for an end to The IMF and an end to their weaponized usury
I am including a link here to the song that addressed the issue of The IMF quite nicely called Call It Democracy by Bruce Cockburn

Occupy Yourself is back and on Blogger

I am trying to resurrect my Occupy Yourself website which was shut down last year due to my server being overload to the point where my account with the hosting company was canceled. I believe this was done because others wished to use the name Occupy Yourself themselves for a Cultural Marxist organization on the West Coast of The United States. Since I already had the name on Facebook, Twitter, and other places and was using it to promote personal independence, freedom for all without any hidden agendas or people having to believe in a leftist agenda I believe that my site was attacked to create problems for me.

I am back and I will not relent the name "Occupy-Yourself" to anyone. I came up with the term Occupy Yourself first to counter the Occupy movement which I could see was nothing but a Cultural Marxist tool of the elite to crush a growing sentiment of distrust for governments, banking institutions, and the like. I could see that The Occupy Movement was not legit. I made many postings on social media saying that people should Occupy Themselves using the term "Occupy Yourself" in these posts and articles. No one else was using this term at the time, only me. Now the Cultural Marxists have tried to usurp this term for their own agenda.

I have now decided to blog using Blogger as it is free. Hopefully I can get the proper site up again, yet I still believe that I will use Blogger as my main posting system in any event.

This blog will be about truly Occupying Yourself. About personal freedom on all levels and how to get out of the control grid.

This blog will not ask you to join a group that has a set of beliefs prepackaged. That is not what occupying yourself is about.

What you will learn here is how to free your mind of control,
how to think rather than what to think. how to because self sufficient in food, energy, economics, etc
That is what has been kept for you because some Cultural Marxists liked a term I came up with and decided to destroy my website by overloading it.

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