I recently finished reading Joseph Atwill's Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, the second and most recent book in the Caesar's Messiah Trilogy. I would recommend reading Caesar's Messiah before reading this volume. In Caesar's Messiah Atwill introduced modern readers to the ancient writing style known as Typology and gave a convincing case that Titus Flavius with the help of writer's like the “Historian” Josephus duped the Jewish Messianic movement, and peasants of the Roman empire, into worshipping Titus Flavius as the Son of God,ie their fictional creation of Jesus Christ, with the smoke and mirrors of a cruel joke afforded by the typological writing style used in ancient Judaism.
In Shakespeare's Secret Messiah Atwill attempts to prove that the work of Shakespeare were actually the Jewish response to this centuries old intellectual cold war. In doing so Atwill proposes that Shakespeare's real identity was the Crypto-Jew Emilia Bassano, who was the lover of Baron Hundson, and in all probability also the lover of Christopher Marlowe. Atwill goes step by step through a number of plays starting with Titus Andronicus with explanations that finally make sense of these cryptic works given this ancient cold war between the Jewish and Western world.
The middle part of the books shows how Domitian with the help of Seneca, and the writers of the Pauline Letters, Revelations, and The Gospel of John, placed his mark on this bizarre war of puns and mental manipulation. Atwill finally breaks the code and shows us who the Anti-Christ was and sheds light of the mystery of The Mark of The Beast. In addition to creating Christianity to subvert the Jewish Messianic Movement and as control of the peasantry Atwill also claims that Rabbinical Judaism was created by the Flavians and the latter part of the book deals with that.
Also I will mention that an independent third party, Jerry Russell PH.D opens this volume with a point by point addressing of the so-called debunkers of Atwill's work.
Having grown up in a church going household and also having read the works of Shakespeare from an early age reading this work came easy and Atwill's points were all too apparent as I progressed through the work. I was sort of lost at the end when he began to enter into the topic of Rabbinical Judaism citing works in The Talmud which I less familiarity with. I can hardly wait for the final book in the trilogy to be released.